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Woman on the Towel 2021

The Blueberry Picker, 1959
Oil on canvas
Lucille Proulx
This is my first painting. It was completed during my first art course at Memorial University, in Newfoundland. I started an oil painting class to help me recover from a traumatic experience after the birth of my fourth child. This artwork is predictive, as it includes Rocky Mountains, which do not exist in Newfoundland.
photocopy print, Price: $50
Lucille Proulx
This is my first painting. It was completed during my first art course at Memorial University, in Newfoundland. I started an oil painting class to help me recover from a traumatic experience after the birth of my fourth child. This artwork is predictive, as it includes Rocky Mountains, which do not exist in Newfoundland.
photocopy print, Price: $50

Psy 3200 Blank, 1983
Chalk on black poster board.
I created this painting as my final project for Professor Blank's Personality Psychology course.
I reproduced it in an 8”x12” format and placed it in a folder. I got an “A”. On the opposite page,
I wrote "penis, rat, eye, becoming." In retrospect, it brings to mind Freud's theory through
which we can begin to understand the functions of sex drives within our personality. Skinner
using rats demonstrates the principles of conditioning and the effects of society on shaping
the individual. Frankl and the noological dimension theory explains the need for a belief that
we must go beyond ourselves to find a reason for being alive. Finally, Allport's theory is a
theory of today. He describes how we can go about living in the now, using the past as a
reference and becoming ourselves.
Lucille Proulx
property of B. & C. Webster, Victoria, B.C.
I created this painting as my final project for Professor Blank's Personality Psychology course.
I reproduced it in an 8”x12” format and placed it in a folder. I got an “A”. On the opposite page,
I wrote "penis, rat, eye, becoming." In retrospect, it brings to mind Freud's theory through
which we can begin to understand the functions of sex drives within our personality. Skinner
using rats demonstrates the principles of conditioning and the effects of society on shaping
the individual. Frankl and the noological dimension theory explains the need for a belief that
we must go beyond ourselves to find a reason for being alive. Finally, Allport's theory is a
theory of today. He describes how we can go about living in the now, using the past as a
reference and becoming ourselves.
Lucille Proulx
property of B. & C. Webster, Victoria, B.C.

The Toiler, 1985
Acrylic paint on brown craft paper
Lucille Proulx
This woman reminds me of the amount of back-breaking work it took to begin University at 50 years old.
Price: $800
Lucille Proulx
This woman reminds me of the amount of back-breaking work it took to begin University at 50 years old.
Price: $800

Mes Méres, 1985
Pencil on paper scrap
Lucille Proulx
A quick spontaneous sketch of mothers and pregnancy, which represents 24 years of my life as a childbearing woman. It contains my outer and inner mothers, they look after me as well as my children.
Price: $250
Lucille Proulx
A quick spontaneous sketch of mothers and pregnancy, which represents 24 years of my life as a childbearing woman. It contains my outer and inner mothers, they look after me as well as my children.
Price: $250

Les Bébés Les Limbes, 1986
Acrylic on sheet metal
Lucille Proulx
This represents me and my many pregnancies. The baby in the image represents all those babies in limbo as they died without being baptized.
Giclee print (unframed), Price: $150
Property of Original Acrylic on Sheet Metal: Lucille Jodoin, Ottawa, Ontario
Lucille Proulx
This represents me and my many pregnancies. The baby in the image represents all those babies in limbo as they died without being baptized.
Giclee print (unframed), Price: $150
Property of Original Acrylic on Sheet Metal: Lucille Jodoin, Ottawa, Ontario

The Woman on the Towel, 2020
Charcoal on faded towel
Lucille Proulx
She appeared in late September 2020 when I decided to paint my rock garden. After sketching it in charcoal, I did not like the results. I wiped my canvas clean with this old, faded garden towel. The next morning, I picked up the towel and I saw the woman. I asked myself, "why did she come now?", "what does she really look like?", and "who is she?"
not for sale at this time
Lucille Proulx
She appeared in late September 2020 when I decided to paint my rock garden. After sketching it in charcoal, I did not like the results. I wiped my canvas clean with this old, faded garden towel. The next morning, I picked up the towel and I saw the woman. I asked myself, "why did she come now?", "what does she really look like?", and "who is she?"
not for sale at this time

The Woman with the Paint Brush, 2021
Acrylic on canvas, found objects
Lucille Proulx
I immediately started to sketch her on my wiped canvas. It was a slow process, as I did not understand this woman. The work was slowed down as in January 2021, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and in February, I underwent surgery for a mastectomy. In March while recuperating, I continued working on the canvas image. I wonder now if the woman on the towel came to support me during this life and death experience?
Price: $3000
Lucille Proulx
I immediately started to sketch her on my wiped canvas. It was a slow process, as I did not understand this woman. The work was slowed down as in January 2021, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and in February, I underwent surgery for a mastectomy. In March while recuperating, I continued working on the canvas image. I wonder now if the woman on the towel came to support me during this life and death experience?
Price: $3000

The Woman of Royalty, 2021
Acrylic on black poster board
Lucille Proulx
She surprised me, as faces have never been my drawing strong point. The little dog is also a great surprise. I felt they had arrived for a visit.
Price: $2000
Lucille Proulx
She surprised me, as faces have never been my drawing strong point. The little dog is also a great surprise. I felt they had arrived for a visit.
Price: $2000

The Woman Gathering Butterflies, 2021
Acrylic on canvas, collage butterflies reproduced from my daughter Ali’s painting
Lucille Proulx
She was painted at the same time as The Woman with the Paint Brush, as it took me a long time to complete. I spent that time on The Woman Gathering Butterflies. She reminds me of my daughters.
Price: $200
Lucille Proulx
She was painted at the same time as The Woman with the Paint Brush, as it took me a long time to complete. I spent that time on The Woman Gathering Butterflies. She reminds me of my daughters.
Price: $200

The Patchwork Quilt Woman, 2021
Acrylic paint on a collage of origami paper
Lucille Proulx
She appears between the origami papers. She is inspired by my time spent in Asia, particularly in Japan!
Price: $200
Lucille Proulx
She appears between the origami papers. She is inspired by my time spent in Asia, particularly in Japan!
Price: $200

The Prim and Proper Woman, 2021
Acrylic paint on board
Lucille Proulx
She is my childhood and the nuns who demanded propriety.
Price: $200
Lucille Proulx
She is my childhood and the nuns who demanded propriety.
Price: $200

The Woman Going Places, 2021
Acrylic paint on brown card stock
Lucille Proulx
Going to The High School of Commerce against all odds and how I felt a special energy emerging.
Price: $150
Lucille Proulx
Going to The High School of Commerce against all odds and how I felt a special energy emerging.
Price: $150

The Peaceful Woman, 2021
Acrylic paint and paper napkin collage on gold paper Lucille Proulx
She represents my love for nature and peaceful, quiet times.
Price: $150
She represents my love for nature and peaceful, quiet times.
Price: $150

The Woman Selling Grapes, 2021
Acrylic paint on canvas
Lucille Proulx
This woman represents loving nature, life and nourishment.
Price: $200
Lucille Proulx
This woman represents loving nature, life and nourishment.
Price: $200

The Woman with Eternal Energy, 2021
Aquarelle on watercolour canvas
Lucille Proulx
My seven pregnancies were a source of energy for me. I produced 8 children, who in turn produced 19 grandchildren and 9 great grand children. A never-ending tune of life.
Lucille Proulx
My seven pregnancies were a source of energy for me. I produced 8 children, who in turn produced 19 grandchildren and 9 great grand children. A never-ending tune of life.

From Mother to Art Therapist, 2021
Photo collage on canvas, acrylic paint and markers Lucille Proulx
This article appeared in a women’s magazine in Thailand called "Cheewajit" by Matchima Sukkong, with photography by Chanriatip Nuntachaibuncha. She interviewed me when I worked at CPCR (Center for the Protection of Children’s Rights) in Bangkok, Thailand in 2005.
Price: $400
This article appeared in a women’s magazine in Thailand called "Cheewajit" by Matchima Sukkong, with photography by Chanriatip Nuntachaibuncha. She interviewed me when I worked at CPCR (Center for the Protection of Children’s Rights) in Bangkok, Thailand in 2005.
Price: $400

The Purple Collar, 2021
Acrylic on canvas
Lucille Proulx
Having fun with abstract!
Price: $50
Lucille Proulx
Having fun with abstract!
Price: $50

The Towel Label, 2021
Acrylic paint on canvas
Lucille Proulx
As it appears in most of the artwork, I thought it should have a canvas of its own.
Price: $50
Lucille Proulx
As it appears in most of the artwork, I thought it should have a canvas of its own.
Price: $50

The Woman in Egypt, 2021
Acrylic paint, collage, desert sand
Lucille Proulx
I went to Egypt with my colleague and friend Michelle in 2019 to teach. The pyramids, the minarets, and the camels were as inspiring as the sand in the desert of Israel.
Price: $350
Lucille Proulx
I went to Egypt with my colleague and friend Michelle in 2019 to teach. The pyramids, the minarets, and the camels were as inspiring as the sand in the desert of Israel.
Price: $350

The Woman on the Towel, 2021
Giclee print mounted on board
Lucille Proulx
Price: $50
Lucille Proulx
Price: $50

The Belgian Woman, 2021
Acrylic paint on tissue paper, on canvas Lucille Proulx
In 1955 I went to Belgium and enjoyed seeing the Manneken Pis and brought home a small piece of Belgian lace. Although I did not see women like this one, she reminded me of my time there.
Price: $100
In 1955 I went to Belgium and enjoyed seeing the Manneken Pis and brought home a small piece of Belgian lace. Although I did not see women like this one, she reminded me of my time there.
Price: $100

The Irish Woman, 2021
Acrylic paint on tissue paper, on canvas Lucille Proulx
Her large flapping yellow collar recalled my wish to go to Ireland. Although I lived in the British Isles in the 1950s, I never ventured to the green country.
Price: $150
Her large flapping yellow collar recalled my wish to go to Ireland. Although I lived in the British Isles in the 1950s, I never ventured to the green country.
Price: $150

The Musical Woman, 2021
Acrylic paint on tissue paper, on canvas Lucille Proulx
This pensive woman is carrying a lute and sitting next to her piano and speaks of my love for live music. I began studying piano at 80 years old, and practice regularly. There is a hint of a piano in the foreground.
Price: $200
This pensive woman is carrying a lute and sitting next to her piano and speaks of my love for live music. I began studying piano at 80 years old, and practice regularly. There is a hint of a piano in the foreground.
Price: $200

The Woman in Clay, 2021
Mixed media collage on wood panel
Lucille Proulx
With the use of a photo, I examined the woman from the clay statue. I found the woman to be shy with a loving face.
frontal view,
Price: $200
Lucille Proulx
With the use of a photo, I examined the woman from the clay statue. I found the woman to be shy with a loving face.
frontal view,
Price: $200

The Woman in Clay, 2021
Photo collage, acrylic on canvas
Lucille Proulx
With the use of a photo, I examined the back of the clay statue inspired by the Woman on the Towel.
back view,
Price: $150
Lucille Proulx
With the use of a photo, I examined the back of the clay statue inspired by the Woman on the Towel.
back view,
Price: $150
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