Upcoming shows
Tillicum Mall, Victoria
The Proulx Global Education and Community Foundation
is proud to support communities in Canada and around the world with innovative mental health strategies. We partner with local organizations in rural, remote, and underserved areas. Through these partnerships we build capacity to heal trauma in children, youth and families experiencing mental illness and attachment disorders. We want all children attached to life and attached for life, to their caregivers, themselves and their communities.
Attached to Life, for Life!
Lucille Proulx, M.A., ATR, CRAT is a registered art therapist in both Canada and the U.S.A. Her 50 years plus of experience consists of working with children and parents in the community, private clinic and in the department of infant and child psychiatry at The Montreal Children’s Hospital. She is the past Executive Director of The B.C. School of Art Therapy (BCSAT). Lucille is an Honorary Life Member of The Canadian Art Therapy Association (CATA) and The Association des Arts-Therapeutes du Quebec (AATQ). She is a member of the Advisory Committee of Arts Health Canada and the vice president of the Canadian Art Therapy Association. She conducts specialized training workshops in Attachment Informed Art Therapy for professionals and parents in Canada, across the United States and abroad . In 2004 she became a CUSO-Canada, Cooperant and was assigned to the Center for the Protection of Children’s Rights in Bangkok Thailand, to introduce art therapy to mental health professionals working with traumatized children. In 2003 she became a Director of The Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy (CiiAT). The Executive Director of the International Programs of Art Therapy in Thailand (IPATT) and Japan (JIPATT).
Lucille is an Exhibiting artist and the author of Strengthening Emotional Ties through Parent-Child-Dyad Art Therapy, published by Jessica Kingsley Publisher, London, England and Ach Publishing House, Israel, and now being translated into Arabic. Her forthcoming publication, Attachment Informed Art Therapy: Strengthening Emotional Ties Throughout the Lifetime, will be published in the summer of 2017.
My Artist's Journey
ART of energy... ART of living...
I become my creation, the boundary between physical self and surface fuse. I lose myself. My unconscious drives my motion. Logic and thought dissolve, I surrender to a creative muse...it's a supernatural possession of sorts. My art is life’s longing for itself.
I am the first to ask:
where did this piece come from...what does it mean...what was I thinking...is it important? Was I thinking? How do I record the energy of what I experience in life?
My ambition (and it can be overwhelming) is to create works of art that have a memory for me and a purpose and meaning beyond the colourful and decorative...that transcend the visible. I strive to use the gifts of my life, my aboriginal ancestors, my energy, my skills and knowledge, my most private experiences, my progeny...to bring into being a legacy that will be important in some small way. . .this is my story.
"I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul."
William Ernest Henley
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
Pablo Picasso